Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekend Cruise California Is This Possible????????????

Is This Possible???????????? - weekend cruise california

Me and my girl since I split 18 months after college. We had the best 18 months of our lives, we are different opinions. We were together almost 24 / 7 and went on vacation for most families with one another: Cruise in California, Putin Bay, Tennessee, Florida ... We have so many memories together. The problem is that if the university was none of us were ready. We are living through an entire neighborhood 45 minutes apart, but things are rocky. It was in and with your friends and start even more when I come home at the weekend (every weekend just so you see it) became law ... Aknoledged She promised this and that was just the beginning ... Things more or less the same thereafter, and finally she said she only needs to be himself, "now know" and not "them, which happen in the future but this is the best so far" .. . She even said: "If God wills that we find together the way back together." Ahhhh, we separated and both were shot. Me neither of us had thougth


charles s said...

As you know, when you try to make things worse, maintain, and in their time, perhaps send a card V-Day, but not to her, and upon request, and not overreacting after all.

jessy jessy jessy said...

Now, I'm sorry that happened. I understand where you are coming. My boyfriend and we see only twice a week and you can pretty tired after a while. You and your ex is not used so far away. When spring break comes, maybe I should call it by chance some time before we are, what their plans and you can spend time "for the old days to see. As you are all trying to make them understand the absurdity of his request for leisure. And if you try and spend the whole summer together well. I saw this happen to many couples, the full thing - and I am happy with myself is to face the fact .. that can couple to the injury they need their love and so sure, if it is to the same school as you say, you all have to do, just wait. Also lacking is not at increasingly longer? I hope that helps, and I hope that both work together to reallly !!!!!! Best of luck!

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