Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fuel Cell How Do Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars Work? What Are The Fuel Possibilities Honda Has Come With?

How do hydrogen fuel cell cars work? what are the fuel possibilities honda has come with? - fuel cell

How many car batteries to hydrogen work? What are the chances of Honda fuel her stand? Advantages and disadvantages?


vicinic said...

Honda has seen a fuel cell work (for himself in my way to the other poster gave a simple explanation of Nice). The Honda can give is not for sale because nobody can pay, however. To fill the tank of the H2, Honda also rent a generator of H2 H2 from natural gas. About 95% of the H2 from the combustion of natural gas, or about 2% from the electrolysis of water.

In any case, the H2 gas is applied 100 units of energy and you will receive 50 units of energy than the H2 gas, so its very inefficient. What is clean, the car is clean but the location makes the H2 is as dirty as the other cars. Why do not you hate when you do not get the story!

Anyone with H2 as fuel is the waste of valuable energy and the error of his ways to be informed. But they are generally interested in quick money.

Seth said...

Sorry, but that's another wrong answer, do not burn hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen oxogen new air to provide electricity when the water is returned to the water drips only pipe exhaust and electricity used to power
is complicated, but basically there is only happen very thin plates, which act as filters and hydrogen oxogen from each other when they release electrons, along the motor plate

Hydrogen is used as basically a very powerful battery, an electric car used to run

The only drawback of this technology is how you do decide to hydrogen
There are three ways to do this, the easier it is to the electrodes placed in the water and collect the hydrogen separates from oxogen but you have to create the current, separate so when you say, a coal-fired power for a little electricity and offset the benefits of using clean energy for hydrogen

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