Thursday, January 28, 2010

Exersices To Cure Ptosis Are There Any Exersices For The Big Trampoline?

Are there any exersices for the big trampoline? - exersices to cure ptosis

I love the big trampoline and I know it's exersice jump in, but nothing specifically organized exersices training.


Erin Kelly said...

I think that is running on a trampoline is a very good aerobic exercise. It is also much harder than you think. Try it out!

cl!ck me said...

I can not think of everything, but I have a still and Flips! it's fun. I'm too scared to do a backflip but. One thing I want to do that is a ball and not try to touch it when you jump to his game.

KelseyKa... said...

I do not think that Mabey, but ... I like the bike and all the gym!

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