Thursday, January 14, 2010

Electric Window Candles How Do I Get Rid Of Cigarette Smoke?

How do I get rid of cigarette smoke? - electric window candles

I do not smoke, but my father smokes like a chimney. Smoked inside for breaks throughout the house. I try my bedroom from the rest of the house of poetry, but everything, clothes, books, plates, etc. smelled smoke. I have a lot of money trying to fix it, but nothing works invested. I), the candles, plug-in air fresheners, electric air cleaner so that the window was open the whole time (even in winter. What can I do that really works?


Stephani... said...

Buy your Dad the patch and add them to him and tell him you love him enough to save him from his stupidity. Its terrible when people smoke inside, very selfish. In addition, give you health problems from second hand, the cancer of time before the non-smoking causes back home. Find it and give it to him. Ask him, because his friends laugh at you and he used to hang with you. Do something for you to be saved! LOL

It is likely that cheap smokes camel or a red mark or menthol, and therefore you can not get rid of.

Anonymous said...

Motels ionizer machine utilization. Perhaps you have tried. Clean the body, but that somehow if you do not smell for a few days.

Usually takes care of him for a few days. You can rent one, but if Dad will also continue to smoke who would leave the machine running all the time, it is an option.

See the link below and good luck. You are a sick person.

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