Friday, January 22, 2010

Hemp Shoes If Industrial Hemo Is Illegal In The United States, Then How Do I Have Hemp Shoes?

If industrial hemo is illegal in the united states, then how do i have hemp shoes? - hemp shoes

My shoes are made of hemp, and I have a portfolio of hemp. But the use of hemp is illegal in the United States ... Does that mean you have to do elsewhere and then shipped to the United States? If this is the case, then why sing that fuel made from hemp paper, hemp, hemp cars, all hemp everywhere and then sends it produced here in the U.S.?


ND Farmer/ModernHemp said...

Only the cultivation of hemp (IH) is illegal in the U.S.. Processing, manufacture and sale of IH not. IH Many products are manufactured in the United States), including Dr. Bronner's soaps (available in many fine stores nationwide CNG.

blessed_... said...

Yes, I ordered a hemp backpack offers an album of the Beatles again. Later, much later, I received a letter from the government to say that my order was seized shipped.

Today I understand that is hemp. Many of hemp fabric imported from China.

ruthafor... said...

Hemp is illegal because the reason that business and industry to replace synthetic products that will produce the cultivation of hemp, people do not always have the natural things on their own, thus killing the chance to do a lot to Silver * **. This is why pot is illegal, too, needed a scapegoat to link with hemp. So much money, things, of course, "because" hemp is legal, the company would not meet people differently.

laughter... said...

It is not illegal. A special type of the genus Cannabis is illegal. Who specifically is Cannabis sativa. There are several other varieties of cannabis in the general term for hemp.

paganmom said...

The product is not illegal. Hemp cultivation is illegal ... wise, if you ask me ...

Hillary said...

More than likely, they will be taken elsewhere.

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