Sunday, February 14, 2010

Little Boys Taking A Shower Circumcision.....I Dont Know What To Do?

Circumcision.....I dont know what to do? - little boys taking a shower

My husband and I are pregnant and do not know whether it is boy or a girl, but I asked him the other night about the circumcision. My husband is not circumcised and did not want to circumcise the child, if we have a child. It is a country where circumcision is not practicable. I think it would be - I mean, we hre in America, where it is practically the most time. I know there is no medical reason to do this and more about hygience.

My question is - how important it is similar for a child to his father? It is an important concern of my husband when our son asked why he is different (you know) children and adolescents in showers with his father. But my concern when he is older and in the locker room with guys arre circumcised when hand began to play with girls.

Of course, the choice for us, but just curious about their experiences and opinions. Thank you.


J H said...

I agree with you. I think it's crazy how people are so stubborn and make judgments on this issue. They act as if you were to cut a kind of barbarism. Not that you did. You're just asking ......

I believe we must do the best for your family. It is important for a child to look like his father, but seriously on the first year, how many parents go naked in front of their children?

Circumcision fell out of favor here in the U.S. during the time in the last 20 years. However, breastfeeding is considered rude and low class for the year! Well, if you are not breast-feed, you must despise.

The best person to ask is your OB / GYN or children unborn child. Find that make the procedure as it is when he will then ask tons of questions. If you decide to do, which usually cover occurring in the first week of existence by insurance.

I know people think I'm crazy to think, but I think the first weeks after birth, babies learn to feel and severity of pain, there is much less when they do it sooner rather than later in life.

Our experience was perfect. Our baby was with her father, and my gynecologist. The procedure took less than 5 minutes. Our baby was in discomfort for about a week. I think it's really important for those who were actually victims of the procedure.

Ask to know also the mothers, that they two children, and who is not.Probably the best advice for you. This is one of the things I did when we decide what to do.

Good luck and congratulations for your child.

gina t said...

Circumcision is very common here in the U.S. anyway, however, you have the choice. There are a few of his friends who have children in your area and see what they have done and how they choose to talk to their children. It forms in the future. I made my decision for my guys and glad that I did not because she had problems and their CRIA, went perfectly with perfect aesthetics .. Today, the procedure is painless and heals within one to two weeks.
If you do decide to ask. Insisting on painkillers and do not make them do so with the plastic ring, because it produces the worst cosmetic result.

Charliee's sister due April said...

Yes, it's a great decision! I have three children, aged 6, 3 a.m. to 1 p.m., and none of us are circumcised. We live in Australia, where the practice is not taken yet, and his father is not. Most children today Arent you here. Personally, I have it was not necessary, I mean born and for some reason, of course, is that this way of being. I could not bear to leave my new born young children go through unnecessary surgery and scars. My children have had no problems with cleanliness, and further down the track, I can not accept, they will be separated or who have problems.
But it is probably one of them. Ask a lot of research and weigh the pros and cons. It is a very important decision you in the future of their children, want to ensure thatis correct. Anyway, the best opportunities both for their new ones!

aussie54... said...

We have experienced exactly the same scenario.

I'm circumcised, but our baby is not. My biggest concern was that I do not know what they have to do Re: clean his foreskin, etc., etc.

I also have the same concerns as you - they look different from me, and probably will in the course of the future ask.

She told me, all who have forgotten, they will manage health problems.

By late afternoon, really no big deal. To take care of many other important topics.

Good luck!

Conservative Texan said...

Get it done. I have conducted more than 100 circumcisions. It takes a few minutes od Some items were given to numb the area, most do not. What did babies cry, I cry out loud in the bathroom. Do not enter this new age hippies to circumcision

serenity... said...

My husband and I decided not to in order to curtail our son. Recent studies show that there is no difference whether the circumcision. its kinda mean, how did the circumcision foster child by the arms and legs, then cut made. I fed my child in the neonatal intensive care unit, where they have no one, the baby was screaming her head when they have done. I was glad that we decided not to.

ஐSillyஐ Due 3/17/2010 said...

I know that all the excitement is around here, as it is "mutilation" and "wrong" and all that ...

Personally, my husband is someone I've never been, and now with my son.

I have three friends of someone who does not ... and decided, as adults, and individuals who do both to ... said he wished he had done as a child ...

This is a very painful operation in adults (probably as a child) and the question op sensitivity than adults, because I think it is much harder to bear.

Do what you want is your decision to make ... Personally ... I went with what is "normal" for me and my family ... and what is "normal" in our society ... OnlyE less thing to worry about when he was a teenager ... and my opinion of him.

You do what you think you and your husband is right and what is "normal" for your family ... and no matter what one has to say here.

*** The people here complain and cry about the "savagery" of the circumcision want to ... But if I were you ... I would like to advise from a man who was there ... Like the previous answer .... me, because they are the only ones who have no idea what they have to talk to ...

Women tend to be very hard on this issue ... I think it's funny, because they have a penis and never anything one way or another ...

ListenMen who have been there ... not people, the opinions about the things that you have just read.

Ladies ... when we grow tails ... Perhaps then we really have expert advice on this issue ... until then ... We just kind of shooting in the dark here.

Justin said...

How often should the child with his father a shower?

Although I compare anything to, I can not say that circumcision was, changed to negative sensitivity. No complaints here.

Looking from the perspective of the child. Is it cool to be like your parents or your colleagues?

stumpymo... said...

My husband is not and my son is circumcised, but for medical reasons. Personally I would not have this kind of choice away from my daughter, the human rights huh?
You should choose him when he is old, but I see nothing new in nature, taking something that they put there for a reason.

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